In this post we will give a detailed review of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology book along with its pdf book at the bottom of this page. Read about its importance in medical study.
Why Physiology is core of basic information?
Physiology is a conceptual subject in medical science if you want to build your concept then your basics should be very clear.
Physiology is core of basic information cause you can’t solve complications without knowing basic things.
For understanding the basic and concepts in Physiology, Guyton and Hall Physiology is the best book ever in book store of Physiology.

About Guyton and Hall 13th edition.
The book is wrote by John E. Hall ,PhD, Arthur C. Guyton professor and chair, Department of physiology and Biophysics, director Mississippi Centre for Obesity Research, University of Mississippi medical centre , Jackson, Mississippi. This book is Published by Elsevier Publications.
Why this book is first choice of medical student?
As we already talked about, physiology is a very systematic subject. Understanding it is much tougher than most subjects in first year of MBBS. You have to study physiology system by system because every system is related with each other and without basic understanding you can’t relate it.
To Understand basic concepts, Guyton and Hall Physiology first choice of medical student. Some books have topic wise chapter but Guyton and Hall have concept wise chapter, every concept have individual chapter that’s why it stand in line of being unique.
Table of content presented inside the Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 13th Edition PDF:
- UNIT I: Functional Organization of the Human Body and Control of the “Internal Environment”.
- UNIT II: Transport of Substances Through Cell Membranes
- UNIT III: The Heart
- UNIT IV: The Circulation
- UNIT V: The Body Fluids and Kidneys
- UNIT VI: Blood Cells, Immunity, and Blood Coagulation
- UNIT VII: Respiration
- UNIT VIII: Aviation, Space, and Deep-Sea Diving Physiology
- UNIT IX: The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology
- UNIT X: The Nervous System: B. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology
- UNIT XI: The Gastrointestinal Physiology
- UNIT XII: Metabolism and Temperature Regulation
- UNIT XIII: Endocrinology and Reproduction
- UNIT XIV: Sports Physiology
Specialty of this book.
- it has concept wise chapter and very good diagram presentation of every individual concept.
- it has summary of each chapter in the end of chapter that collect every single concept.
- it has blue box in book that show you every chapter’s clinical portion and improve your clinical skills.
- More emphasis on clinical correlations so that students can develop clear concepts regarding things important from the clinical point of view.
- High-definition and colorful illustrations are present throughout the book.
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology PDF Download
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