In this post we will give a detailed review of BRS Microbiology and Immunology book along with its pdf book at the bottom of this page. Read about its importance in medical study.
Review of BRS Microbiology and Immunology.
We all know that microbiology is study of microorganisms and about it .you can find several books on internet about microbiology and every book have something unique about their content like this BRS content is also a little bit unique then others.
it’s very concisely designed for review and have very good diagrammatic representation, table wise content and every topic has clinical portion that improve our clinical skills .
End-of-chapter review tests feature updated USMLE-style questions with rationales and four USMLE comprehensive examinations (in 50 question blocks like Step 1) help test memorization and mastery of the subject. A companion website offers the fully searchable text and an online question bank.
Written in a concise, readable outline format, this book is intended to cover topics most commonly tested on USMLE.

Louise Hawley MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Microbiology, Ross University School of Medicine. Benjamin Clarke Ph.D., Benjamin L. Clarke
Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Duluth, MN. Richard J. Ziegler PhD, Professor of Microbiology, Department of Anatomy, Microbiology, and Pathology, University of Minnesota Medical School—Duluth, Duluth, MN.
Content of BRS Microbiology
1. General Properties of Microorganisms
2. Bacteria
3. Bacterial Taxonomy
4. Bacterial Diseases
5. Viruses
6. Systems-based and Situational Viral Infections
7. Mycology
8. Fungal Diseases
9. Parasitology
10. Parasitic Diseases
11. Clues for Distinguishing Causative Infectious Agents
12. Immunology
Comprehensive Examination
Specialty of BRS Microbio.
- In the end of the chapter it’s has review test and their explanation that help your to learn quickly
- table wise content that beneficial for comparison of content
- good diagrammatic representation
- point wise explanation of content that help you to differentiate topics
- high yield clinical points that help you in higher exams
- summary in the end of chapter that collect all important information regarding microbiology
- Focus on critical microbiological and immunological concepts needed to understand important human infections and the immune system function and malfunction
BRS Microbiology and Immunology 7th Edition PDF Download
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